The organization of the marriage registration booklet and the choice of readings is a very important step for the married couple as they themselves are an active part of the ritual action, considered by the Church as Ministers in the Sacrament of Marriage . Below is an example of a complete marriage booklet , with all the possible alternatives that the spouses have for the choice of the forms with which to express their consent, the forms for the blessing of the rings, for the wedding blessing and for the intentions of universal prayer. , also known as the prayer of the faithful. The future spouses can download, print and use this model of booklet as they please.

טבעת נישואים
טבעת נישואים

Introduction rites
Priest : In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen

Priest : The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.

All: And with your spirit

Memory of baptism
Priest: Brothers and sisters, we reunited with joy in the house of the Lord on the day when X and Y begin their family. In this hour of grace we are their neighbors with affection, friendship and fraternal prayer. We implore God the Father, through Christ our Lord, to bless them and, in the power of the Spirit, make them one heart and one soul. Let us now remember the Baptism, in which we are reborn to new life. Having become sons in the Son, we recognize with gratitude the gift received, to remain faithful to the love to which we have been called.
Father, in the Baptism of your Son Jesus in the river Jordan, you have revealed to the world the spousal love for your people:

All: We praise you and give you thanks.

Priest: Christ Jesus, from your side open on the cross you have created the Church, your beloved bride:

All: We praise you and give you thanks.

Priest: Holy Spirit, power of the Father and of the Son, today let the Church's wedding garment shine in X and Y :

All: We praise you and give you thanks.

Priest: Almighty God, origin and source of life, which you have regenerated in the water with the power of your Spirit, revives in us the grace of Baptism, and grant to X and Y a free heart and a burning faith because they are purified in intimate, they welcome the gift of Marriage, a new way of their sanctification. For Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

כתיבת תגובה

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